About The Sacred Path

The Sacred Path Series

The Sacred Path series is a sequence of advanced Shambhala Training weekend retreats based on the unique inner teachings of Shambhala. You may start the Sacred Path series anytime after completing Shambhala Training Levels I–V and the Everyday Life series. The Rigden weekend retreat and Basic Goodness series are strongly recommended additional preparation. The Sacred Path series is not prerequisite for Enlightened Society Assembly but is prerequisite for Warrior Assembly.

Weekend Retreat 1: Great Eastern Sun

This weekend retreat teaches us how to see the Great Eastern Sun, the primordial energy and brilliance that is the basis of all that exists, and emphasizes the living context for building a sane society.Prerequisite: Wisdom in Everyday Life and Shambhala Training Level V (strongly recommended additional preparation: Rigden weekend retreat and Basic Goodness series)

Weekend Retreat 2: Windhorse

Introduction and instruction for the practice of “raising windhorse” is given, which opens the heart and refreshes one’s confidence. The practice is a way to bring about skillful and heartfelt social engagement, enabling the warrior to go forward in the midst of whatever challenges occur. Prerequisite: Great Eastern Sun

Weekend Retreat 3: Drala

Through exploring the depth of perception, one engages the elemental and magical strength inherent in the world. The principle of drala refers to the sacred energy and power that exists when we step beyond aggression. Prerequisite: Windhorse

Weekend Retreat 4: Meek and Perky

“The four dignities” are introduced as a path and a process, which describe a warrior’s maturing and widening sphere of benevolent engagement in the world. The training in the dignities allows one to maintain awareness and delight at each stage. Meek is a study of the grounded, humble and gentle beginning stages of a warrior’s journey. Here one trains to overcome arrogance—the primary obstacle to learning. Perky is the second of the four dignities and focuses on cultivating sharp, vibrant and uplifted energy through natural discipline. Overcoming the trap of doubt, the warrior of Perky is able to accomplish his or her activities with a sense of nobility and ease. Prerequisite: Drala

Weekend Retreat 5: Outrageous and Inscrutable

The third and fourth dignities, Outrageous and Inscrutable, emphasize fruition and refer to the extraordinary skill of a practiced warrior. No longer afraid of making mistakes, the unconventional and visionary perspective of the outrageous warrior combines with the skill of spontaneous inscrutability to create benefit for others on a large scale. Prerequisite: Meek and Perky

Weekend Retreat 6: Golden Key

This weekend retreat is based on a Shambhala text that works with our relationship to the “material world” and our sense perceptions. It teaches the practice of enriching presence—the ability to instantly sense the inner wealth within oneself, phenomena, and the natural world. Prerequisite: Outrageous and Inscrutable